Mother's Day is Sunday School Classes For Youth


Read Luke - Jesus Boy Temple

Every year at Easter the family went to Jerusalem. Then twelve years old, who, according to tradition, the party came. After the party is over, mother and father, while returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were aware of it.

He is thinking that his company, traveling for a day. Then he began look for him among their relatives and friends. When we could not find him, they returned to Jerusalem looking for him. Three days later, they are sitting among the teachers, listening and asking questions, which is in the temple.

Everyone heard him was amazed at his understanding and answers. His parents were surprised to see him. His mother said, "Son, why have you treated us well, your father and I were looking forward to?."

"Why they were looking for me?" he asked. "You did not know my father was most needed
house? "But they did not understand what he said.

Then we went to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother
all are precious in his heart. Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, was in favor with God and men.
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