Mother's Day Tradition France
( Bonne Fête Des Mères )
France, the average alarm low birth rate, there were attempts in 1896 and 1904
to establish a national holiday in honor of Mother's Day France. In 1906, ten mothers
who have nine children each received "a high maternal merit"
("leather good breast"). World War II American soldier fighting
in France Popular Day American mother rent by Anna Jarvis. They sent many
letters to his country for Mother's Day France , the German Union Américainecreated
card for this purpose. In 1918, also inspired by Jarvis, Lyon wanted to
celebrate "Mothers Day", but decided to celebrate "National
Family Day many mothers." The party is inspired by the efforts of
anti-depopulation Festival USA, won medals to mothers of large families. The French official day in 1920 as one day for mothers of large families since
the price of the French Government Medal of family mothers of large families.
1941, on the initiative of Philippe Pétain, Vichy government war often used in
support of its policy to promote larger families, but now honor all mothers , Mother's Day France with young families.
1950, after the war, the party is new. Law 24 May 1950 insisted that the
Republic made an official tribute to Mother's Day France for the last Sunday in May
as the " Mother's Day France " (except when Pentecost fell that day, in this
case, she moved to the first Sunday in June).
1950, the party lost all its patriotic ideologies and birth and becomes wider
event received budget and integrated into the new Code of Social Action and
gave families. In 2004, responsibility for the holidays with the Minister of
Family transferred shares.