Mother's Day Germany

Mother's Day Tradition Germany
( Liebe zum Muttertag ! )

In 1920, Germany had the lowest birth rate in Europe, and the decline continues. This is due to the participation of women in the labor market. At the same time, society (politicians, women of the Church of the left and right and feminists) that as influential groups that mothers should be honored, but do not know how to agreement, however, all groups agreed to promote maternal values. In 1923 this led to the unanimous adoption of Mother's Day, Mother's Day Germany off Americaand imported from Norway. The head of the Association of German Florists cited "internal conflict of our people and the disintegration of the family" as the reason for the introduction of the party. It is expected that the party will unite the divided country. In 1925, Day Committee found the mother of the working group for the restoration of the people and the country, ending dependence on commercial interests and began emphasizing the need to increase the population in Germany by promoting motherhood.

The apartment as a way to encourage women to more children, the nationalists had seen dressed as a way to rejuvenate the nation has ever seen. Not in honor of the feast of unmarried women, but an idealized standard of motherhood. Progressive forces to oppose the implementation of the holiday as it supports both conservatives and because, as a way to see the rights of women who work for elimination. The woman, the journal of the Federation of German women refused to recognize the party. Many municipalities have their own interpretation of the party: it will be a day to help economic families or single parents. Eligibility Guidelines subsidies of eugenics, but there is no evidence that social workers they ever applied in practice, and subsidies are preferred "healthy" families in economic need, not for families with more children or children.

With the Nazi party to power in 1933-1945, the situation has changed dramatically. Promotion of the mother increases in many European countries, including Britain and France. The position of the German Nazi government, the role of mothers to give healthy children of the German nation. NSDAP intention is to create "Aryan race" pure after Nazi eugenics. Among other things, Day ideas of the Mother's Day Germany, the government encouraged the death of mother son in a battle for the highest performance of patriotic motherhood.

The Nazis quickly declared Mother's Day a holiday to be placed under the control of the National Security Agency (National Socialist People's Welfare) and NSF (National Organization of Socialist Women). This led to conflicts with other organizations, management of NS-site, including the Catholic and Protestant churches and local women's organizations represented. Local authorities against the directives of the Nazi government and appointed for the distribution of funds for families who were in economic distress, to the chagrin of Nazi military.

In 1938 the government began issuing Cross-called price (mother cross) of the mother by categories, depending on the number of children, the mother depended. The medal is awarded to Mother's Day Germany and other holidays, because of the large number of beneficiaries. The cross was an attempt to encourage women to have more children, and beneficiaries must have at least four. For example, the recipient of the golden cross (first level) should have eight or more children. As fewer children were new development is the golden cross, especially for older mothers honored with grown children. Cross encouraged loyalty among German women and is a popular price, even if there is little material reward and is mostly empty praise. Doctors and social workers on the basis of genetic and racial values that are taught forced the recipients of the awards as useful. Mother and friends and family also examined for possible defects, the mother can disqualify and they also had a "racist and morally good." They were "German blood", "value", and “genetically healthy", "politically correct" and have no vices such as alcohol. Criteria were compared with honors, such as "family history of lower blood contains" a "feminine" behavior, such as smoking or making poor financial management, not "political partners", or with family members who "tried and thrown in prison "were. There have been cases where a family was disqualified because a doctor has seen signs of "nonsense". May be a Jew is a potential beneficiary to disqualify. Some social workers were disappointed by the Weimar Republic to become problems of the country and support Nazi ideas personally, as a way to "cure". Implementation of the guidelines is uneven, doctors sponsored medical criteria of racial and communities promote economic necessity before other considerations.

The apartment is now celebrated on the second Sunday of May. In a manner similar to the European countries close
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